Sound Circles Taiwan: A Sonic Textile Installation

Preserving Taiwan's Queer History Through Art and Sound

In 2017, Taiwan made history by becoming the first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage. However, the journey towards acceptance and equality was not without its challenges. Facing resistance from conservative groups, the Taiwanese government allowed for referendums in 2018 to address the issue. Inspired by this pivotal moment in Taiwan's history, artists Hyojin Yoo and Nupur Mathur created Sound Circles Taiwan, a unique hand-woven sound installation that captures the voices and experiences of individuals living in Taipei.

Sound Circles Taiwan is not your typical speaker. Breaking away from conventional forms, these flat hand-woven textile speakers redefine the way we interact with sound installations. Made solely from yarns and copper wire, these textile speakers serve as a tangible representation of Taiwan's journey towards LGBTQ rights.

The circular weaves of the speakers hold interviews with Taiwanese individuals and ambient recordings from Taiwan. Each speaker acts as a vessel, intertwining personal and national politics within the context of LGBTQ rights. By approaching the speakers at a close distance of up to 20cm, audiences can hear the clear sound of the interviews and immerse themselves in the soundscape of Taiwan.

The creation of Sound Circles Taiwan was no easy feat. The artists embarked on extensive research to find the most suitable form and interaction for their sound installation. Through their conceptual research, they decided to base their study on voice recordings, using the circular form to represent a society coming together to make democratic decisions.

Technical challenges arose during the project, particularly in achieving the desired sound quality. Multiple tests were conducted with different gauges of copper wire, determining the optimal length and tension between the yarns. The result is a harmonious blend of artistry and technology, creating an immersive experience for visitors.

Sound Circles Taiwan was brought to life through a meticulous process. The research and material experimentation took place from March to June 2018 in New York, while the fabrication of the project occurred from October to December 2018 in Taipei, Taiwan. The installation was exhibited at the Taipei Artist Residency in December 2018, captivating audiences with its unique blend of art, technology, and social commentary.

The impact of Sound Circles Taiwan extends beyond its artistic value. It serves as a testament to Taiwan's progress in LGBTQ rights and the power of art to spark conversations and create change. By preserving and recording a pivotal moment in Taiwan's history, Yoo and Mathur have created a lasting tribute to the resilience and diversity of the Taiwanese people.

Sound Circles Taiwan was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in 2019. This prestigious accolade recognizes the design's innovation, practicality, and ability to meet professional and industrial requirements. The installation's integration of industry best practices and technical characteristics contributes to a better world, fulfilling its mission to engage audiences and foster understanding.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Hyojin Yoo & Nupur Mathur
Image Credits: Image #1-5: Photographer Hyojin Yoo, Sound Circles Taiwan, 2019
Project Team Members: Artist Hyojin Yoo Artist Nupur Mathur
Project Name: Sound Circles Taiwan
Project Client: Hyojin Yoo & Nupur Mathur

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